Panic. Sometimes it seems to come out of nowhere. You’re just getting ready for bed, walking from one room to the next, and it hits you. Or you think of something unpleasant and wham! Here it comes....
But wait. You can use energy tools to help you, help your heart, and help your whole body feel a bit better... calming your dear self down.
It's always worth trying energy tools when you're in a panic. Even if they don't heal everything, you might be surprised at how they can tone down your whole energetic landscape.
Grounding is an incredibly wonderful tool for anxiety and panic when they come up. If you’re in a reading with me, I will often ground you so I can see you better, energetically.
As soon as the panic rises up, I suggest you sit somewhere safe and try to ground and breathe slowly. Or simply ground yourself right on the spot.
Here are a few different ways to ground yourself. Some might feel better to you than others.
The Golden Cord
The main way that I ground is I visualize a golden cord, like a rope, attaching to my first chakra and going to the center of the Earth. Then you can write your name on the cord going all the way down, along with the date. Your first chakra is at the base of your spine, and it represents your body. You’re attaching your body chakra to the center of the Earth, essentially saying “stay,” to your system, and letting something else tether and hold you.
The Roots
I love this grounding technique and you might, too. Instead of tethering yourself via a golden cord, you imagine roots coming down deep into the Earth from the bottoms of your feet. The roots then intertwine with the deep, complex network of all of the tree and plant life around you, becoming connected, essentially, to life on Earth.
I learned this wonderful grounding technique from Psychic Teachers Samatha Fey and Deb Bowen.
The Gold and the Rainbow
Gold is the color of love and so is the Rainbow, according to my son. And I think he's onto something. This golden rainbow theme comes up a lot with him over the years in different ways and, recently, he said that he was turning his grounding cord gold with a rainbow beside it. I tried it and it was really successful... Which was helpful as I’d been having trouble grounding. So if your grounding cord isn’t quite working for you, try to create a golden one paired with a gorgeous rainbow. You might be pleasantly surprised. If you believe in the rainbow chakra system, you can visualize the rainbow as each color connecting to and grounding each of your chakras.
Clearing a Room or Coffee Shop
Grounding is a really powerful and extremely simple tool. It’s strange but some of the simplest energetic tools are incredibly strong, and one way to try to prove this is to ground a room and everyone in it.
Technically, you’re not supposed to do energy work on anyone without asking… but you can ground them. I’ve wondered why grounding is OK and I think it’s because, as you ground people, you’ll notice that some people won’t want to be grounded and others will only go so far. So people will direct how far they can be grounded so, essentially, they’re in control.
If you’re in a situation where things are heated, you can ground the whole room or building, and then everyone in it. And if you’re in a cafe that’s totally full (looking at you, Keeper Coffee Co.), then try to ground the cafe and everyone in it, as well.
One time I was with my family on vacation in a cafe that was incredibly loud and packed and I just kept grounding it and everyone over and over. We ended up sitting on a bench instead of at a table but, by the time we were done, the place was EMPTY! It was like a tide washed through and everyone simply packed up and left. When I realized what had happened I texted my mentor a photo and laughed, then ungrounded the place because I felt bad. Ops!
Anyways, try it. There’s nothing wrong with trying. Maybe it will help you and maybe it won’t, but adding an energy tool to your tool chest never hurts. Instead, it helps you become more powerful, create more synchronicity in your life, and create more of a life that you love to live.
I hope that, if you’re feeling any panic moving forward, this tiny grounding technique helps you. And, if you have a favorite grounding technique you want to teach me, please do! I’d love to learn it.